I had a great time at the Cannabis Business Expo, more information about this event can be found at:
LIKE this video if you support cannabis on youtube!
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Stay high with me on social media:
Vape World: http://coralreefer420.com/vapeworld
Humboldt Hempwick http://humboldt-traders.com
Miss Mary Jane Co http://missmaryjaneco.com
Vapexhale http://coralreefer420.com/vapexhale
The Nail Crown http://cruzculture.com
write me:
2601 Blanding Ave #C359
Alameda, Ca 94501
High! I’m Coral. I fell in love with cannabis near the end of high school and have enjoyed learning about this plant everyday since. I answer questions weekly for Stoney Sunday, share news stories on News Nug, and sneak in random videos in between.
Pack a bowl, load the bong, heat the nail, and let’s stay high together.
This video features footage from an event I was asked to attend. The video is not sponsored, opinions and thoughts are always my own.