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In a recent interview with the “TODDCast Podcast”, former SLAYER and current SUICIDAL TENDENCIES drummer Dave Lombardo was asked for his views on the legalization of marijuana. He responded (hear audio below): “I love it. Marijuana, I think, is not a gateway drug,” referring to some people’s belief that marijuana use is likely to precede use of other licit and illicit substances and the development of addiction to other substances. “If there is a gateway drug, it would be either nicotine or alcohol. Watching someone in your family, ‘Oh my God! I need a cigarette. Fuck! I need a cigarette right now. Oh, this feels great.’
“Wait, I don’t need to smoke weed to know what addiction is,” he continued. “So to say that marijuana is a gateway drug, they are highly misinformed and have forgotten alcohol as well. ‘Cause I know people that went from alcohol to cocaine. So, where’s that argument?
“I personally enjoy it,” Lombardo added. “I don’t take pills. I don’t take pharmaceuticals. I eat healthy. I exercise. I occasionally smoke a little weed. That’s it. I feel like I’m in good health. I’m still playing drums. I’m still sharp. I’m out there doing my thing. What more can you ask for? We all die around 80, 90 years old, so you’re not gonna give yourself too much more time by abstaining from something they have been saying that is actually good for you.”
In January 2018, recreational cannabis became legal in the state of California — where Lombardo resides — after over two decades of medical-only legalization.
Lombardo, who currently splits his time between crossover pioneers SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, horror-punk icons MISFITS and hardcore supergroup DEAD CROSS, was effectively fired from SLAYER after sitting out the group’s Australian tour in February/March 2013 due to a contract dispute with the other bandmembers. He has since been replaced by Paul Bostaph, who was previously SLAYER‘s drummer from 1992 until 2001.
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