HOUGHTON, Mich. (WLUC) – The city of Houghton held public hearings for three marijuana ordinances at their city council meeting Wednesday night.
The ordinances cover the city opting into recreational marijuana sales, allowing recreational marijuana businesses within the city, and an updated version of the city’s current medical marijuana ordinance.
During the hearing there was no outright opposition to the ordinances, but many who spoke has recommendations for revisions to the ordinances.
“They’d like the city to look at possibly having more than one license available, on the basis that maybe the market would help dictate what happens there. Both of our current proposed ordinances limit facilities to one a piece, recreational and medical,” said Eric Waara Houghton’s City Manager.
The council decided to push back voting on the ordinances until at least the next meeting on the 25, and potentially longer if the ordinances are re-drafted.