Constantine Village Council on Monday continued to review a potential adult-use marijuana ordinance.

A public hearing regarding the ordinance is scheduled for 7 p.m. May 18. 

Village manager Mark Honeysett said village attorney Howard Bush suggests the zoning code be amended.

“While I have nothing ready for the council yet, (Bush) did suggest it be amended so the marijuana ordinances jibe,” Honseysett said. “You must grow in areas that are permitted. Grow operations can only happen in the industrial park, processing operations by special permit.”

Several council members requested Bush look into allowing a marijuana microbusiness in the commercial area. 

Honeysett said the 10-page ordinance will be posted on the village website, Comments prior to the public hearing may be emailed to the village council. Email addresses are on the site.

Other news from the council meeting:

Honeysett said the fireworks fund has a carryover from 2019 of about $3,000. Fireworks cost $7,500. Another $1,500 to $2,000 is expected from the parks and recreation board, so the village will have to raise $2,500 to $3,000 by other means.
The Memorial Day parade was canceled, due to the governor’s restrictions prohibiting public gathering. The council directed Honeysett to talk to American Legion post commander Pete Adams to see if an alternate date could be set for activities.
Honeysett said township clerk Marti Brown would attend a future meeting to explain voting for trustees. The council approved an ordinance changing all council member terms to four years, at an Oct. 21 meeting. After 2020, every election will have three trustee seats open, instead of six. 




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