The licensed marijuana dispensary and grow operation, The Hempire Collective, held their grand opening on Saturday, Sept. 12.
The Hempire Collective is the first licensed medical cannabis grow operation in Isabella County located at 10147 N. Loomis Road in Wise Township.
The grand opening started at 9 a.m. and included a ribbon cutting ceremony and some doughnuts provided by Cops & Doughnuts. Patrons and attendees could come in and make their purchases. Some were given a tour of the facility.
The business was started by members of the Porter family who saw how the medical marijuana helped their son Tai after being diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. The product also helped with his anxiety and PTSD which came from his 10 years of service in the U.S. Army.
“We saw how it helped him prior to his death and wanted to try to help people,” Judith Porter, one of the owners of The Hempire Collective, said.
The family run business received their Class C grow operation license in Nov. 2019. This license allows the business to grow 1,500 plants. Hempire Collective has been providing their products to several Michigan dispensaries.
“We’ve been whole sale-ing to other dispensaries in Michigan but that will come to an end as we hope to sell everything we grow,” Tre Porter, one of the owners of The Hempire Collective, said.
In August 2020, The Hempire Collective were able to receive additional licensing that allows them grow 3,500 plants and to sell high grade medical and recreational products from their own dispensary.
“It was hard process,” Tre Porter said. “Good lawyers, good builders, a lot of money, and a supportive township really helped. Hats off to the township.”
Product growth can take 8 to 11 weeks and the growing occurs year around as The Hempire Collective is an indoor operation.
The Hempire Collective’s facility is working toward getting more grow rooms and an office building as well as make efforts so they will be able to grow around 7,000 plants.
For more information, visit