Cannabis and the Heart

The effects of cannabis on the heart. I’ve divided the content into acute effects and consequences of chronic use.

Sometimes I feel like I’m tilting at windmills. Why bother to do these videos, then? Because there is so much myth out there being presented uncritically as truth. Because an informed consumer is a better guardian of the shared public health resources we all depend on.

Comments are on and unrestricted. I’ll approve the auto-flagged comments periodically as I find the time.

1. Stroke. 2015 Mar;46(3):852-6.
Cannabis and stroke: systematic appraisal of case reports.

2. J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Apr 23;3(2):e000638.
Cannabis use: signal of increasing risk of serious cardiovascular disorders.

3. Circulation. 2001 Jun 12;103(23):2805-9.
Triggering myocardial infarction by marijuana.

4. Am J Cardiol. 2014 Jan 1;113(1):187-90.
Adverse cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular effects of marijuana inhalation: what cardiologists need to know.

5. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2006 Apr;317(1):428-38.
Further characterization of the time-dependent vascular effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

6. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2014 Oct;5(4):417-9.
Ischemic stroke following abuse of Marijuana in a Nigerian adult male.

7. Stroke. 2011 Jun;42(6):1778-80.
Cannabis use, ischemic stroke, and multifocal intracranial vasoconstriction: a prospective study in 48 consecutive young patients.

8. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 May; 71(5): 758–765.
Cannabis-related hospitalizations: unexpected serious events identified through hospital databases

9. Forensic Sci Int. 2001 Dec 27;124(2-3):200-3.
Acute cardiovascular fatalities following cannabis use.
“We report six cases of possible acute cardiovascular death in young adults, where very recent cannabis ingestion was documented by the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in postmortem blood samples. A broad toxicological blood analysis could not reveal other drugs.”


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