SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Springfield is ready to once again court potential recreational pot shops.

The city’s mayor’s office is calling it Phase two of adult-use marijuana and cultivation in the city. Mayor Domenic Sarno said city leaders plan to meet again to update the application and evaluation process.

They hope to accept applications by October 2020.

“I would like to consider up to four (4) retail applicants and up to two (2) cultivation applicants,” Sarno stated. “Also, I would like to have special consideration for social justice and/or social equity applicants.”

I have asked our consultant, Attorney Julie Steiner, to work with the Law Department and the City’s internal committee to update the process for inviting applicants to participate in the City’s Host Community Agreement and Special Permit process. I want to assure that a fair and transparent evaluation is put in place to review any new applications or amended applications by past applicants, seeking to open up an Adult Use Marijuana business in Springfield. We have conducted a successful first round and I am confident that we will be able to put forth another successful second round based upon the changes to the laws, regulations, and public health concerns due to the pandemic.  This new round will build upon what we have learned to provide to create an economic impact for the City and new opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno


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