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“We want to be sure cardholders in the medical marijuana program can receive medication for one of 23 serious medical conditions during this difficult time.”
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York Dispatch
The state Department of Health has announced temporary changes to the medical marijuana program during the coronavirus outbreak.
“In the midst of COVID-19, we need to ensure medical marijuana patients have access to medication,” Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said in a news release. “Medical marijuana grower/processors and dispensaries are considered life-sustaining businesses under the governor’s order for nonlife-sustaining businesses to close.
“We want to be sure cardholders in the medical marijuana program can receive medication for one of 23 serious medical conditions during this difficult time.”
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As of Friday, certain statutory and regulatory provisions have been temporarily suspended in order to implement the following changes in response to the COVID-19 emergency:
The statutory and regulatory suspensions will remain in place for as long as the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency is in effect.
— Ron Musselman can be reached at rmusselman@yorkdispatch.com or via Twitter at @ronmusselman8.
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