LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — There’s this perception of marijuana, pot, weed, whatever enthusiasts may call it, that it is something that will mellow you out or calm you down. However, researchers say it could actually do the exact opposite — depending on the potency.

Experts say the higher the potency, the higher the risk of anxiety and addiction. That’s the latest from a new study that came out Wednesday in the medical journal ‘Jama Psychiatry.’

Researchers talked to more than a thousand 24-year-olds in the United Kingdom about what kind of marijuana they smoked and found the ones who said they used high-potency weed, were more likely to report anxiety.

Not only that, but researchers also say those folks were more likely to use weed at least once a week, and twice as likely to have used illicit drugs in the past year.

Most of the participants, 87 percent, said they smoked less potent strains of marijuana.


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